Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Porter is 6 months old today

Time flies by unfairly fast.  Our little Porter is now 6 months old.  It seems like just yesterday that I was holding my teeny 5 lb 10 oz baby boy and now suddenly he is a 6 month old little chunk. He had his 6 month check-up at the doctor yesterday- he now weighs 15 lbs 7 oz (20th percentile), he is 26 1/4 inches (50th percentile) long and his head is 16 1/4 inches round (4th percentile).  I think he has grown faster than my arm muscles and it is getting increasingly harder to lug him around in his car seat.  

He is such a happy, easy going kid.  He is content just to chill as long as he gets to be around everyone.  He doesn't even care about trying to keep up with the other kids... he doesn't seem to want to crawl or start scooting or anything.  He can roll over (but never wants to) and he's getting to be a pretty good sitter but he likes to just lay back and take in all the excitement.  I could tell even before he was born that this was his personality and he seems to be sticking to it.  He still couldn't care less about his solid foods because he's still too much into his "booby snacks"- as they're called in our family.  He is an awesome sleeper- he goes to bed at 9 and sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG until 9:30 in the morning!  Good thing too because a morning child would not survive in our family. 

Waking up from a nap is rough no matter how old you are.

Now, for the change... this is the day he was born...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

and July flies right on by

Just Porter's natural cuteness.


We had a BBQ at a friend's house and then headed up the street a few blocks to watch the fireworks.  I love that we live within walking distance to the University.  It makes it so much easier to go do stuff without having to fight traffic.

Hanging out at Grandma Wendy's and finally big enough for the Jump-a-roo.

Grandma bought a swing set and the boys got to set it up.

Lounging in the backyard hammock.  It can be quite relaxing when the kids are not using it as a swing.


Sparkle, sparkle, boom and fizzle... that pretty much sums up our fireworks.