Thursday, April 18, 2013

Not In Public

Someone picked his own outfit today and thus is not allowed to go out in public with me.

The cape is everyday attire but the showcap is new.  I'll normally let the kids pick their own outfits for the day, but I have to draw the line at a showercap instead of pants.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Just a random day in The Nielsen House.  Boys being boys...

Except Porter thinks he wants to be a mommy.  He keep stuffing his shirts to look pregnant.  I think he's a little baby hungry. 

Such a flirt.

One day Jack will regret letting me take such pictures to post on the internet.  But now, he just thinks they are funny.  As do I.  Typical Jack with his fro hair and dazed looks.   So "special."

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Night in the Big Boy Bed

For Christmas the boys got a bunk bed.  They were so pumped to think they could one day share a room.  They are so excited to get to talk and play together all night long.  Ha ha... they wish!  For the time being, we have the beds as singles in each of the boys' rooms.  I'm not ready for the boys to be parachuting off the top bunk.  And I also am not ready for grumpy boys that think their new bed is too cool to sleep.  Porter is still getting used to the idea of sleeping someplace besides his safe and secure crib... even though he can climb out any time he wants  We thought it would be easiest to put his bed in his room with his crib so he can get used to how it feels.  But he can still sleep in his crib until he is ready for the big bed.  Pretty much the big bed has functioned simply as a trampoline.  But tonight we tricked him into sleeping in his big boy bed.