Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Party Time

This last Saturday we had a little family shin-dig to both celebrate Kole's birthday and enjoy a little time with Keaton before his Army deployment.  (He left Tuesday for Kuwait where he'll be for a month to get culturally acclimated and then off to Iraq for about 9 months.  He'll be fine, I am sure.  But pray for him nonetheless).  I suppose both are a little something to be sad about.  Nevertheless, we still had fun.  We ditched the kids and had to get a babysitter other than our parents for only the second time since Eve was born.  Yet another advantage of having the only grandkids on both sides of the family and only living 10 minutes away from both. 

Among the games we played was "The Name Game."  It's easy to play and and lots of fun- if not a little embarrassing.  Basically everyone playing takes three little pieces of paper and on each of their papers writes the name of someone that they think everyone will know.  They can be names of real people, characters, living or dead, famous or just infamous to the people playing.  Then all the papers are folded and gathered into a bucket or basket or bowl or whatever.  Everyone sits in a circle (boy, girl or however you wants to divide the group into two teams with the players of each team sitting every other person). Each person gets a set time (one minute or so) to get their team members to guess as many names as possible before the time runs out.  When their time runs out, you go to the next person in the circle (who is on the other team) and just keep going until you're out of names.  Of course there is a little bit of a catch:  The first round is kind of like "Taboo." Just don't say the name but anything else is fine.  Second round you can only say one word.  The third round is no speaking or sound effects, only charades.  The third round is especially fun- but I'll be the first to admit, I'm no actress.  I took some pictures of everyone else playing.  All pictures of me have been completely erased. 

See if you can guess who they are acting out.  Some of the names were: Sandra Bullock, the Flash, Jack Nicholson, Austin Powers, Kermit the Frog, Edward Cullen, Loraina Bobbit, George Carlin, Lady Gadiva, Elvis, Captain Kirk, Steven Segal, Bruce Lee, James Bond, Richard Simmons, Brant the bicycle guy, Spongebob Squarepants, Tinkerbell, Moses, Ronald Regan, Cher and that's all I can remember.


  1. Those pictures are hilarious! But what I'm loving is the family pic in the background! Grayson the baby! Crazy! And Kole had some sweeeeet hair. In love the picture of all the guys on the stairs. Such troublemakers.

    ps, i love playing games with you guys. that's the ONLY time Adam will ever play.

  2. How fun! I love family time! Love that you took pictures of everyone acting crazy!
