(Yep, that's me- second person from the far right. Eve and Jack are near the middle).
Doesn't everyone look so Medieval?
This last weekend we had a primary activity... ah hem, I mean "ward activity geared towards the primary kids". ;) It was a Royal Feast and it was really fun. I think it could be duplicated or modified pretty easily if someone wants. The hardest part was creating ideas from scratch and since we’ve already taken care of that part, I thought someone might find it useful for something in the future if I give a run down. I’ll add some extra ideas I had that we didn’t really have enough time, helpers or were organized enough to implement.
We decided it was really important to create a medieval atmosphere so we decorated our church gym like a medieval banquet room... we got the long tables from the church and set them up in a "U" shape (3 across and 3 down each side) and dressed up the tables to look festive. We decided that was the best shape so we could have entertainment in the center while the kids were eating and the kids wouldn’t have to be turning around during it. You could add extra tables if needed or a big long table would work if you don’t have enough kids to use a “U” shape. We played Celtic and medieval music. We had ward members volunteer anything they had that we could use to make it look medieval. Lots of people had weapons and we actually had them at the activity. We just put them on a table and had a couple people manning the table so the kids didn't touch anything they shouldn't. We also looked up facts about the weapons so the people manning the table could tell the kids about the different weapons. Someone made royal crests out of dollar store wrapping paper and we hung them on the walls. Someone else painted a castle on a big cardboard box and we used it as a backdrop. And of course part of the whole atmosphere is speaking like you are in the middle ages- “thee, thou, thy, etc.”
We all dressed up in medieval attire. Most people came as knights and princesses but we told them they could also be things like court jesters or peasants or whatever was fitting to the time period.
As the kids trickled into the activity, we had them go into the primary room and they decorated crowns. We figured this worked in two ways… first of all, they would be fully dressed when they arrived in the gym for the feast, and second, since not everyone arrives at the same time, this padded our time frame so we could start when everyone was there. For the boys we got Burger King crowns (for free) and spray painted them gold. Then they glued fake jewels on them. For the girls we had wreath type crowns and they attached little fake flowers. But really, any kind of crown would work.
I think it would have been fun to have someone at the door who announced when the kids entered the “royal banquet hall”- like “Princess Eve has arrived” or “Presenting Sir Jack.” Maybe someone even could make their own trumpet out of soda bottles or whatever (other people are way more creative than I am) and they could trumpet when the kids come in.
Once the kids finished their crowns and got into the gym, we had some games going on. We figured it would be best to avoid games in which the kids were tempted to fake sword fight or do anything where they would get hurt. We had a chess set (and really we should have had 2 and a couple checkers boards because the kids wanted to play more). We had a jousting game where the kids used swimming noodles to knock stuffed animals off stools. We had another game where two kids each had a spoon with a plastic egg on it in one hand and in the other they had a foam sword. They had to use their sword to knock the other person’s egg off while defending their own egg from falling. Winners got to keep playing against more players. I figure it would have been fun to do it as one big group also and see who was the last one to finish with an egg on their spoon. (Evidently bocce and bowling were medieval games too and that would have been pretty fun).
Once everyone had made their crowns and played games for about a half hour we began the feast. The kids all sat around the table and the adults served them. Our meal was pretty simple (though not all that authentic since we decided gruel wouldn’t really be that appetizing). We had chicken legs, corn on the cob, grapes, rolls and cream puffs for dessert. We did the whole meal at once for time reasons but I think it would be great for the kids to come back to the gym and have dessert after their “quest.”
I thought it would have been really fun for the kids to have some entertainment with the meal (juggling, a fake sword fight, play some kind of musical instrument) but no one would volunteer to do anything! If only I had a marketable talent but we all know I don’t. Instead I just read a story I made up that would get the kids ready for the quest. It was kind of long so I read it for about the last 15 minutes they were eating. The story is basically about the Plan of Salvation and the premortal life in fairytale form. I am sure the older kids understood what the story was actually about but I never came out and told them while I was reading or anything. The younger kids didn’t seem to grasp the deeper meaning. They just thought it was a fun story. But I think it is fun to keep the whole meaning disguised until the kids finish the quest and then you could take a couple minutes to explain how everything related. I think it worked really well to do the story while they were eating instead of just trying to make them sit still and listen for so long. I suppose others could make pictures to go along with the story or maybe have people act out certain parts (you will in fact need someone to play “the Prince” as part of the quest. Maybe you have someone as willing, or at least as easily bribed as my sweet hubby). Anyways, by the time they were done listening to the story, they were ready to embark on their quest. We have a pavilion and grassy area at the top of the church parking lot that we used as the place they performed the quest. If you don’t have such a place, or it is winter or whatever, other rooms in the building would work.
Going along with the whole story I read, the kids were sent to complete their quest by accomplishing goals having to do with the first principles and ordinances of the gospel (faith, repentance, baptism, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost). For faith we had a faith walk and the kids were blindfolded and lead to the pavilion. For repentance we had the kids try to perfectly perform a long list of tasks and when they messed up they had to go to “the dungeon” and they could only be released by asking “the Prince” for forgiveness. For baptism we had the kids search for pearls in a tub of sand and water. For the Gift of the Holy Ghost we had the kids unwrap a gift box full of glowing rocks. And finally we had a battle against “the dragon.”
Now, I put a lot of work into creating this whole quest thing so I am including all the details from here on down. I don’t expect you to read it… but I want to remember it some day so I get to put it in my blog!
Here is the story to start the quest...
A long time ago, in a land far away there was a magnificent kingdom. Of all the kingdoms you’ve ever read about or seen or heard of, this kingdom was more wonderful and splendid than them all. All parts of the kingdom were beautiful and glorious- from the castles to the stables and from the snow capped peaks of the mountains to the wide stretching ocean. There could not a more wonderful kingdom be found anywhere.
Now, this kingdom was beautiful but what made it so special was not its beauty. Like any other kingdom, this one had a King. This King was good and kind and wise. He was all that anyone could ever dream of in a king and his kingdom reflected his goodness. He loved his people and they loved him. The good King loved the people of his kingdom so much that he called them his sons and daughters and they called him “Father.” Because the King called each of them his sons and daughters, they considered each other like one big family. The people were always kind to one another and joy and happiness filled their lives every day. All the people felt safe and cheerful. It was a wonderful place to live.
The King also had a son of his own, his firstborn child. His son, the prince, was good and kind and wise- just like his father the King. This prince was destined to one day be a king himself. The good prince loved the people just like his father and the people loved him, just like they loved his father. With great love and compassion, the King and the prince served the people of the kingdom day and night.
One day, the King announced that he had a wonderful idea. Since all of his people were like sons and daughters to him, it would not be fair if they could not become kings or queens just as his own son would become one day. The crown prince thought this was a superb idea. The people were so excited. But the King and the prince knew that becoming a king or a queen was no easy task. The people would have to do more than have their heads fitted for a crown- they would need to be trained in a way that would prepare them to be good kings and queens, just like their King.
The King determined that what his people needed in order to be prepared for such a position was a Quest. The people were excited. They had only heard about quests in stories. They never thought they would get to go on a quest themselves. They all looked forward to completing the quest and returning to the kingdom to make their King proud. The prince and all the people were so happy. Well, all were happy except for one person. There was someone in the kingdom that was not happy at all. This person was the King’s second son. This son was not like his older brother. He was not good, nor kind nor wise. He was prideful, angry and jealous of his older brother and his father the King. He did not love the people of the kingdom. He hated them. He did not want them to become kings and queens. He wanted to be the one and only King in all of the kingdom. He felt that his father should be dethroned and his brother should be banished for wanting to make commoners into royalty. He soon began to plot how he could make this happen.
On the day the King was to reveal the details of the quest, the whole kingdom turned out to listen. The King explained to the people how the quest was specially designed to prepare them to be kings and queens. He explained how this quest would test them in a way so that everyone could know if they were really ready to be kings and queens and rule a kingdom of their own. He would never force them to be a king or queen if they were not prepared or if they did not want to be one. This quest would not only give them the opportunity to become kings and queens but would also allow them to choose not to be one if they decided they didn’t want to. He told them that a quest like this would be very dangerous and difficult. He further explained how they would have to leave him and his kingdom and live in a far away land for a time to perform this quest. Perhaps the scariest part of this quest was that not everyone would make it. Some of the people would not be able to complete the quest, others would choose not to. Whoever did not complete it, would not be able to return to the beautiful kingdom. This worried many of the people. The King understood the concerns of his people and he promised to help them on their quest. To help them, he promised he would send letters of counsel and maps to help them on their way. He would also send messengers who would direct them onto the right paths and give them instructions on how to complete the quest. He would give them ancient books of wisdom to solve problems and riddles of the quest. And most importantly, he would send his eldest son, the crown prince to help them overcome their toughest obstacles. He counseled them that they would need to work together and help one another. The people were full of hope and nervousness but they shouted for joy at all they had heard.
But the younger prince saw this as the perfect opportunity to seize his father’s throne and belittle his elder brother. He asked his father if he could address the people of the kingdom. When his father gave him permission, he told the people how he understood their fears. He further declared that surely the King must not love them enough to guarantee that everyone came home to the kingdom. His father and older brother knew he was lying but they quietly stood and listened to the younger prince make his speech. He stated that he had a better quest. He told the people that he had a way to ensure that every person would complete his quest so they could all return home and be crowned as kings and queens. But the King would have to send him instead of his elder brother to help the people. As payment for doing such a great thing, the King could reward him by stepping down from the throne and making him King of the kingdom instead. Some of the people of the kingdom, especially those who had been the most fearful of failure, were excited and thought this was a wonderful idea. But the good, kind and wise King knew this was not a good idea. It would defeat the whole purpose of the quest if it was so easy that anyone could complete it. Such a quest could never prepare his people to become kings and queens that could rule kingdoms of their own. The King could not let this happen. He thanked his younger son for his suggestion but announced to the people that because he loved them, the quest would be the one he designed and that his elder son would be the one to help them.
This made the younger prince furious! His plot had been foiled and he felt humiliated in front of the entire kingdom. In his heart, he hated his father and brother all the more. The younger prince felt that if he could not become King of the kingdom the way he suggested, then he would take it by force. He would put an army together and he would declare war on his father.
As the days and weeks passed and the people prepared to begin their quests, the younger prince mingled among the people of the kingdom. He sought out those that had been the most fearful in the meeting and with lies and empty promises he began to sway many of the people of the kingdom to follow him. But the King was not ignorant of his younger son’s treason. And as the prince prepared his army, so did the King.
As the days and weeks passed, and the two armies prepared for the impending battle, the evil prince began to be filled with more and more hate and pride. It burned within him and it grew painful like someone had lit a campfire in his stomach. But even that didn’t make him want to stop his plans for revenge. And with his hate, that burning fire grew and grew. But his anger could not stay hidden down deep inside. Instead, his hate began to overtake him and it began change him from the inside out. You could practically see the fire glowing in his eyes. As his hate grew, so did he. Bigger and bigger- he grew to the size of a school bus, then two school busses, then a house. Soon his body shape began to change. His head and neck began to stretch and bulge. He began to hunch over and his arms and legs grew tall, sturdy and wide like giant tree trunks. They were heavy and clumsy and he found himself needing to use his arms as well as his legs to walk. His fingernails and toenails grew thick and long and curved. They were really more like claws. His skin began to turn a putrid green. It became shiny and scaly. It was thick and hard like armor. Row after row of razor sharp horns and spikes ran along his body from his head to the tip of what was obviously a tail. That fire was now completely overrunning his body and when he spoke it escaped from his mouth. His hate had changed him into a terrible beast, a dragon!
The Dragon prince looked at his new body and with great pride he knew he must be the most powerful thing in the kingdom. Surely he could easily win the war- he wouldn’t even need the help of his army. His father and brother would not stand a chance. He bellowed a deep evil laugh at his great luck.
But The King and the good prince had created a plan to defeat the dragon. They would not kill him or his followers. They would capture them and punish them for their treason.
The dragon prince called his troops together and they marched toward the castle to declared war on his father and brother. The King’s troops stood at the ready. All the people of the kingdom, those for the King and those for the rebellious prince, were waiting for the battle to begin.
All of the sudden, a great fight erupted. It was time for the King and the good Prince to put their plan into action. They would use the Dragon’s new body against him. The King’s army began to divine in two and encircle the Dragon Prince. The Dragon prince was big and he could not turn quickly. His big back half kept him from seeing all the people behind him. He could hardly tell what was going on. According to plan, the troops would attack him when his back was turned to them. As the dragon would turn to defend his backside, he ended up turning into more troops who would attack when he wasn’t looking With wave after wave of people, the King’s army attacked the Dragon Prince. While many of the troops attacked the dragon with swords and kept his attention, others took strong ropes and began to wrap them around the dragon’s legs. Soon the dragon prince was turning back and forth and round and round trying to evade the attacks. But he quickly became dizzy. When the King saw how the dragon was weakened, he gave the command to take him down. All the troops grabbed the ropes and pulled them tight around the dragon’s legs. He fell with a great crash. The King’s troops then climbed all over the Dragon tying his whole body to the ground. They also bound his mouth. At the fall of their leader and their secret weapon, the dragon prince’s troops scattered and fled for their lives. The good crown prince held his sword to the dragon prince’s throat and forced him to surrender. The King’s loyal people had won the war.
But the kind King was saddened by all that had happened. He loved all the people of his kingdom but he knew what he must do to maintain peace in his kingdom. He could not let his younger son nor the rebellious army stay and make his kingdom unsafe. They would all be banished forever. He sent his dragon son and his followers to a land far, far away. It was far from the kingdom but it was also a place where the King’s people would see them again. It was the same land his good citizens would attempt their quest in. But unlike the King’s people, the others could never participate in the quest and they could never return to the beautiful kingdom or become kings and queens.
With the banishment of the Dragon and the evil army, the good people of the kingdom continued their last minute preparations for their quest. The King spent his days traveling throughout the kingdom to encourage his people one by one. He told them that He loved them very much and he had confidence in them. He also reminded them that He would help them along the way but that they should also help each other. He reminded them to pay close attention to his letters since they would give them direction and counsel on what to do in their quest. They should also listen very carefully to His messengers. They must do exactly as his messengers instruct or they cannot complete the quest. They must never cheat on the quest. That would not be fitting of a king or queen. Cheaters could never wear a crown. They should rely on the ancient books of wisdom when they need help. Most of all, they should never listen to the Dragon or his followers. They would only keep them from completing their quest.
The people of the kingdom were ready. The first thing they would need to do before they could begin their quest was travel through the Enchanted Forrest of Forgetfulness.
Do you think you would like to go on such a quest?
And here is the quest...
Basic premises: The kids will be on a medieval quest and will perform tasks symbolically representing the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel (faith, repentance, baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost). They do not need to know as they are performing the quest that they are doing things that represent these. However, many of the kids may figure it out and that is OK. We will sum everything up in the end when they finish the quest and return to the cultural hall. As they perform the quest, they will receive clues as to the tasks they need to perform by figuring out coded messages by using the scriptures as well as listening to the instructions from the “King’s messengers.”
You will need at least 4 different adult helpers to represent “the King’s messengers” at each of the locations. The term “you” is direct instruction for each of the adults at their determined location.
Quest Activity #1: Faith
Supplies needed: Chalk board with message written on it
Blind folds
This leg of the quest will begin by having the messenger read a letter from the King instructing them on the first part of their quest. The letter is as follows…
Message #1: Thou hast not been gone from home very long now but I long for thy speedy return. I wish thee well in thy adventures. Now that thy quest has begun, I give thee thy first charge. It is important that future kings and queens be able to use their heads to solve problems and figure things out. Therefore, for the first part of thy quest, I have sent a riddle for thee to solve on the great erasable board. If thou will solve this riddle, and do as it instructs thou will gain the first token of thy quest. To solve it thou must look to the ancient books of wisdom thou have brought with thee. -Sincerely, The King
The kids will have to solve a riddle by using the scriptures to find out what they need to do first. The riddle will tell the kids that they will have to show faith by being blindfolded and taken to a new destination You will represent a messenger from the king and the adult will lead the way- taking the kids on a journey along the sidewalk and parking lot until everyone makes it to the pavilion and grassy area at the top of the church parking lot. You will also ensure that none of the kids trip or get hurt.
(The following riddle will \need to be written on the chalk board ahead of time so it is ready when the kids arrive at the starting point. The chalk board allows all the kids can see it at once and solve it better together. The underlined words will be blank and they can use the clues given to search the scriptures and fill in the blanks and then follow the instructions of the message. They do not need to solve it individually. They should work on it together and help one another as a group. The older kids can aid the younger kids who are not yet able to read.)
Thy first charge is to do as described in 2 Corinthians 5:7 “WE WALK BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT.” Put on thy BLIND (the word used to describe the disability of the two men that followed after Jesus in Matthew 9:27) (the first thing the Lord says there shall be one of in 3 Nephi 15:17) FOLD. Carefully (what we are instructed to do to the words of Christ in Moroni 8:8) LISTEN to my messenger and he will LEAD (12th word from the end of the verse in D&C 38:33) thee to thy next charge.
Once the kids solve the riddle, give them the further instructions on how they need to hold on to each other… Leading the kids while blindfolded will be easiest and safest by having the kids hold onto a rope with their right hand while holding on to the shoulder of the person in front of them with their left hand.
Quest Activity #2: Repentance
Supplies needed: (Scriptures)
A Prince
Once the kids have completed the firs part of the quest by reaching the pavilion, you will take them to the large area of grass. You will direct the kids to do a long list of things, in the correct order without messing up or skipping any. This would represent obeying the prophets and if they don’t do what they are supposed to, they have to stand in “the dungeon” represented by a circle made of rope. Since everyone fails in some way in real life, everyone should end up in the circle. To make this more difficult and ensure that happens, no one can start doing the things on the list until it has been read completely or have them complete all the tasks as they are read and then start over and have the kids repeat them by memory. In order to be released and continue on the quest they must follow the instructions in a message from the King. It will instruct them to ask forgiveness to be set free.
Message #2: The King has given me instructions to give to thee. Thou must listen carefully and follow each one perfectly and exactly or thou will be delayed in thy quest.
(make sure everyone is ready and listening and then read the list)
1. Stand up tall and stretch your arms high in the air
2. Kneel down on the ground
3. Close your eyes and then open them again
4. Sing the first 10 words to your favorite song
5. Shake the hand of the person on both sides of you
6. Stand up and turn around 1 ½ times
7. Pretend like you’re reading a book
8. March in place while you continue to pretend you’re reading
9. Stop marching and bend down and touch your toes 3 times
10. Pat your head with one hand while rubbing your hand in a circle on your tummy.
When you see someone messing up, tell them they must stop and go stand in the circle. Once all the children are in the circle, deliver the following message…
Message #3: “My good and faithful servants do not worry. All is not lost. I knew from the beginning that no one would make it through this quest without making a mistake. Even though thou are now in captivity, I have prepared a way for thee to be free. Ye must once again look to the ancient books of wisdom to learn how ye can be liberated. Turn to the book of First Nephi, in the twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter. Ye must ask Prince for the same thing the people did pray unto the Lord their God for (FORGIVENESS). If ye ask humbly, he will surely let thee go free that thou may continue on thy quest. -Sincerely, The King
Quest Activity #3: Baptism
Supplies needed: A plastic tub
Pebbles and other things to make it harder to find the rings
A Prince
You will take the kids the plastic tub of sand and water up on the picnic tables under the pavilion. Once there, they will need to search for pearls amidst small rocks and other things. Make sure to have the youngest kids go first so that they can find things easier in the sand and then have the older kids go.
You will read the following message from the King…
Message #4: Thou must now seek a wonderful treasure. (Show them an example of what they are looking for) It has been buried in the sand and must now be retrieved. Thou should give that which was lost and will now be found to my good and beloved Son.
The Prince” will accept the pearls from the kids as they find them.
Quest Activity #4: Gift of the Holy Ghost
Supplies needed: Gift box with 10 different layers of wrapping paper and correct instructions printed on each layer
Glow in the dark stones
Once all the kids have completed their last task, you will direct them to sit in a circle and you will give one of the kids a wrapped gift.
You will read them the following message from the King…
Message #5: Because thou has worked so hard and done so well, I have a gift for thee. Something to light thy way in the darkness. Follow the instructions of my messenger and (s)he will surely teach thee what thou must do to gain thy gift. If thou does not know the answer to the clue so thou may unwrap thy gift, make sure to have thy ancient books of wisdom to help thee in thy way. -Sincerely, The King
On the outside of the gift will be clue #1. The kid you first gave the gift to will decide who best matches the clue and then they will past the gift box to that person for them to unwrap one layer. That child will then read and figure out clue #2 and pass the gift to someone else who they think fits that clue and then they will unwrap a layer and so on down the list of clues until someone gets to open the last layer and open the box. (You can use as few or as many layers as you want. These clues do not have to be in a particular order but if you change the clues to be more specific about the kids in your group, just remember to be careful when you wrap and attach the clues… the last clue goes on the first layer you wrap). You may need to help some of the kids read the clues. The kids may need to use their scriptures to figure out the answers to some of the clues. Have everyone try to figure it out rather than just making the person who is unwrapping at that time. Someone in the group may know the answers so no one has to look it up. Once the box has been completely unwrapped, have that child pass out all the stones inside to everyone. The clues are as follows.
1. How do we find the one who goes? The one with the most ribbons or bows.
2. The one for this we share, who has something (the 3rd color mentioned in Exodus 28:5) to wear?
3. The next one we will call, is someone who is very (in 1 Samuel 17:4, the way Goliath would have appeared to the Israelites if they were looking up at him).
4. This is now what has been said. Who is wearing something (the color of the sea the Israelites crossed to escape from the Egyptian Pharaoh)?
5. Now what do you think? Who is wearing lots of pink?
6. The next thing that we care, who has the longest (something on the Lord’s head that will be white at His 2nd Coming as told in D&C 110:3)?
7. The one who now is right, is wearing something very (In D&C 14:3, the color of the field that is ready to be harvested).
8. Next you see what we mean, who is wearing something (in Psalms 23:2, the color of the pastures that Lord maketh us to lie down in)?
9. And now who is a sport, someone who is a bit (In Romans 3:23, All have sinned and fall _______ of the glory of God).
10. We have another clue. Who is wearing mostly blue?
11. Now we will get, someone who hasn't played yet?
Quest Activity #5: Overcome Satan and Return to Heaven
Supplies needed: A Prince
A small toy dragon
Kristy will bring the kids to the south end of the grass field to finish the quest and the story.
The kids will receive a final message from the King.
“I am so proud of thee. Thou has done well and they quest is almost complete. Thou only has one thing left to do before thou can return home. Thou must defeat the dragon and bring him back captive to me. But thou may find this charge difficult. The dragon has found special powers in this new land. He has become invisible. Thou must protect thyself from his power by putting on thy armor. It is not visible, just as the dragon is not visible but the armor is strong and will keep thee safe. Now is the time when you will need my Son, the good prince the most. I have sent Him to aid thee in this final task. -Sincerely, The King"
The Prince steps forward and gives the further instructions:
“Let us begin by putting on our armor. Does anyone know what kind of armor we need to put on? Let us turn to our ancient books of wisdom to make sure we have on all the armor we need.”
The Prince has the kids turn to Ephesians 6:14-17. As they read down the list, have the kids pretend to put on each of the items.
“Now we shall begin our search for the dragon. Where doth thou think we should look first?”
The kids will make the Prince search all over but of course they will not find the Dragon.
The Prince announces, “I believe the dragon is in hiding because he is afraid of us. He knows we defeated him once and he knows we can do it again. But we must defeat him and take him back captive. I will go and battle the dragon.”
The Prince pretends to fight an epic battle with the invisible dragon. As the prince battles the dragon, he suddenly falls and dies. All seems lost.
Kristy asks the kids, “Now what shall we do to defeat the dragon?”
As they are discussing their options, the Prince returns to life.
The Prince tells the kids “My Father put a magical spell on me that would ensure I was brought back to life if I should die. My Father had a plan that would greatly weaken the dragon. It would make it so we could see him and he would no longer be big and powerful. The King knew that in order for the magic spell to work, I would have to be killed by the dragon. But now, look at the dragon.”
The Prince holds up the little toy dragon. He does not look scary.
The prince tells them “The dragon no longer has any power over you. All that you have to do to defeat the dragon completely so we can take him back captive is tell him that he has no power over you.”
When the kids tell him that he has no power over them- Bam. The dragon falls over dead. The kids take him back to the Church and the quest is complete.
When the kids get back to the church, explain how everything relates to the Plan of Salvation.