Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Sacrament Meeting Talk

I spoke in Sacrament meeting this last Sunday along with my two amazing primary presidency counselors.  We got to pick our own topics and I choose to speak on "Our agency, our influence and the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives."  I decided to post my talk on here- mostly for my own records but anyone is welcome to read it... if you have the time (yes it is long but you should be thankful this is the edited down version.  It could have been much longer).  I guess I'll start it off where the talk officially begins and skip the beginning "thank you"s and stuff.  But you should know how thankful I really am for the other members of my presidency.  They never fail to do everything in an extraordinary way.  So, here it goes.

"You may be surprised to find that even though I am the Primary President, the message I have chosen to speak about today is not directly about the Primary or children. Instead, I feel directed to speak on the topic of “our agency, our influence and the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives.”

I have prayed diligently that I would have the power of the Holy Ghost with me so that I may convey to you His message in a way that will allow for you to understand and apply the things that I talk about. Nevertheless, I’m sure you will find that what comes out of my mouth will not be nearly as important as what the Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit- the sacrament talk He has tailored just for you. I just hope that my talk may be a catalyst for your own personal revelation.

Over the last several months I have been pondering a lot on the concept of catalysts. Often this term is associated with science and is described as something that causes a reaction. I’ve thought a lot about cause and effect as well as chain reactions- especially in regard to how these things related to our lives. I’ve reflected on my own life and pondered on how the different people, experiences, and decisions have shaped my life and soul.

President Hinckley gave a vivid analogy of how even small decisions can impact our future in great ways. He said, “Have you ever looked at a great farm gate that opens and closes? If you look at the hinge, it moves ever so little, just a little movement of that hinge creates tremendous consequences out into the perimeter. That is the way it is with our lives. It is the little decisions that make the great differences in our lives.”

As I’ve contemplated all of this, I’ve found that God’s divine design for the lives of each of His children can be compared to a theory called the Butterfly Effect. You’ve probably heard of this idea before… the simple action of a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a chain reaction of events that could cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. I suppose that may sound or even be extreme when you think of it in those terms, but when it comes to our lives; I can see the Butterfly Effect in action all around me- all the time. I believe that the billions of people in this world today, as well as the countless individuals who have once lived or will yet live on this earth, are much more connected than we might realize.

To illustrate this more fully, I would like you to imagine a calm glassy lake with giant storm clouds looming overhead. As those storm clouds begin to release the heavy moisture within them, the rain falls until it breaks the peaceful surface of the lake. First a couple drops here and there, each one creating a bulls-eye formation of ripples, and then in a complete downpour, the surface of the lake is seemingly boiling. Each individual water drop and each ripple is multiplied so substantially that you can hardly tell where one starts and ends and where the others begin.

Of course this is more than a simple exercise in mental imagery; it is a parable of our lives.

Each of us is like a drop of water that falls into the lake of life.   Each of us is at the epicenter of our circle of influence.

Our influence starts with people we know and interact with personally and then radiates outward. It reaches unto people we may not know or interact with directly- but who are nonetheless still influenced by us because of the chain reaction we started. Each of those people affects the lives of others and those others do the same- onward and outward- perhaps indefinitely.

What we do, what we don’t do, what we say or even don’t say- it all makes a difference. The Lord puts us in different situations throughout our lives not only because of the effect it will have on own lives but also on the lives of others. Be it consciously or unconsciously, we are sending ripples out into the world that can affect multiple eternal futures for generations to come.

We may not instantly see the far reaching effects of our ripples. However, I believe that one day the Lord will reveal such hidden things to us.

What amazes me, and honestly boggles my mind, is the omniscience of God- His perfect, complete and infinite knowledge of all things. Not only does He know all things from the beginning to the end but also all the infinite number of possible scenarios in between. He knows how all of us will shape the lives of those around us and yet He still allows us our use of agency, be it for good or bad. Nevertheless, He remains all powerful and in control. He knows when to intervene and either pour out or withhold blessings depending on the plan He has for our lives. Amazingly, He has a plan and purpose for us as individuals and as a whole human family and he uses His omniscience to direct us into situations, callings, and life experiences that will bring to pass His will for each of His children.

I’ve come to understand how the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has put each of us in the various places and positions in our lives for a reason. Each individual is unique and each is uniquely designed to make a difference in the world. But the use of our agency will largely determine the scope and effect of this difference. I’ve come to see how important it is for all of us to listen to the Spirit and find our own individual place in His plan.

For me, this concept is overwhelmingly evident.
Nearly ten years ago I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church. I was all of 20 years old. At that point, I had lived in Utah for 5 years and had somehow managed to evade becoming a member. Thankfully the Lord was patient with me and allowed me the time I needed to be ready. Looking back over my life, I see how family, friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, etc. each played a significant role in how I progressed and evolved in my preparation to receive the Gospel. Some saw the outcome of their efforts, but many others never did. One classmate gave me a Book of Mormon my freshman year of high school that sat on my shelf for years until I was finally ready to pick it up and read it. She never knew her small act made a difference. Others invited me to church activities and dances whenever they got the chance. Still others were just consistently good examples to me. And perhaps there is one person I can most fully thank for their personal preparation so they could be the right person, in the right place, at the right time in my life. Of course this person is my wonderful husband Kole. For this I am eternally grateful. And hopefully my children will grow up to be eternally grateful as well as they continue to ripple the blessings of the gospel unto their own children one day.

In D&C 18:15-16 we read:

“And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

And now, if your joy will be great with one soul you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.”

We often think this verse applies solely to our missionary efforts towards non-members but I believe that the principles outlined in this verse apply equally to those in the Church as well. Repentance, the call for a change of heart, is an ongoing commandment for everyone. I know we can save many souls when we start by influencing the people closest to us.

Mother Teresa once said “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

We do not have to be a powerful world leader to make a difference for good in the world. Nor do we need to hold any kind of leadership position in the Church. We just need to make the decision to act in accordance with the promptings of the Spirit. Even when these promptings appear to be small and simple, we have been assured in scripture that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

In like fashion, our ripples start small and grow exponentially. They start internally and work their way outward.

You’ve probably heard the famous quote by William Thackeray:
“Sow a thought, reap an act,
Sow an act, reap a habit,
Sow a habit, reap a character,
Sow a character, reap an eternal destiny”

Now, while thoughts often do pop into our head spontaneously, and many seem to come out of nowhere, if we truly trace their roots, we will often find that they are not new or singular but instead they have been shaped out of previous thoughts or experiences. Even pure revelation comes line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. It seems that further information leads to further revelation. So, if this is the case, it would stand to reason that if we want to have positive thoughts that lead to a positive eternal destiny, then we need to decide to pursue experiences with people, places and things that will positively impact our minds.

With this in mind, can you see why the Lord has put you here today? What have you been sowing today- maybe even in this meeting? What will you now help others to sow? What about the rest of today or the rest of the week? Will you live your life as merely a Sunday Christian or will you live a full life of faith, purpose and power?

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is a key component in sowing anything of eternal value. When we bind ourselves to Jesus Christ by making and keeping covenants, we will find a power and ability beyond our own to do the Lord’s will. When we desire to become true disciples of Jesus Christ there comes a realization that we need to have our hearts changed- yet we know that this change does not come naturally or easily. In fact, it is impossible on our own. Like any transformation, it is a process, not an event. This change requires that we must first desire and then decide to allow this change in our lives. This change can only come as we allow our will to be consumed by the will of the Lord. When our will is consumed, and the power of the Atonement is working in our lives, we will find that our works are not our own- we will instead have Jesus Christ working through us. We become his hands on this earth. Through the Atonement, we are not only cleansed from sin but we are enabled to accomplish good beyond our own mortal power.

By way of the Atonement, we can receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Those who live with the companionship of the Holy Ghost will be able to know, understand, see, hear, do, be and become things which others who lack the Spirit simply cannot. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and our attendant covenants, our agency can be used more perfectly and the scope and effect of our influence can be expanded and multiplied.

One of the ways the Lord accomplishes this is through His Church. The Lord’s Church is a church of order and organization. He has organized it in such a way that all of His children- past, present and future- can be blessed with the power of Gospel and the Atonement- if they so choose. The Lord has created quorums and auxiliaries to bless individuals and families as they move along the continuum of coming unto Christ.

Since I was called as the Primary President almost 6 months ago, I have felt a great weight of responsibility rest upon my shoulders. One of this calling’s responsibilities that I have perhaps thought the most about is the task I have of suggesting individuals to serve in the various Primary callings in our ward. I know that as I suggest to the bishop the names of individuals to serve in various callings, that it is going to set in motion experiences and events that will affect not only the individual being called but also those they serve and interact with- not only at Church but also in their daily lives.

I take this duty very seriously because I know that the Lord is depending on me to be sensitive to His Spirit so that He can bring to pass His plan and purpose in the lives of His children.

I would like to take just a moment to address the primary workers of this ward. I cannot fully express how thankful I am for your service. I have a testimony that your service in the primary will truly bring to pass great goodness in this world. You are teaching some of our Heavenly Father’s most special spirit children. They have been held in reserved for thousands of years to come forth in this day and age when the world grows increasingly more polarized between good and evil; a day in which we are preparing for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord saved them for this special time in the history of the world just as he saved you. It is a wonderful time to be alive but it is also full of peril. Our children need the word and example of their family members, teachers and leaders so that they may learn how to hold fast to Jesus Christ and combat the increasing evil around them. The Lord called you because He trusts you. This is an enormous responsibility and we may overlook its significance if we are not careful.

These callings do not come from ward leaders- yes, they may be the ones to extend the callings for you to accept, but the calling is from the Lord. As ward leaders we simply attempt to accomplish His will. He has placed you here and now because you are the right person, in the right place, at the right time to make a difference for good in the world. You have been set apart and given a sacred responsibility to teach and lead a rising generation of God’s children. Most of us will find our service in the Primary to be for just a season of our life. There are very few permanent callings in this world- beyond that of a spouse or parent. You will likely serve here for a time and then the Lord will call you elsewhere to edify, inspire and enlighten His children in a different way. But at this time, these children need you and you need them. I know the Lord has called you now and He will make you equal to your task. Thank you for all you do.

Now, do these words apply only to the primary workers in the ward? No. Of course not. We are all children of God and we are all called to teach one another in some way, shape or form.

Though callings are important, the Lord does not always give us a specific calling to focus the energies of our service in His Church. Sometimes He simply asks that we be where he has asked us to be in the organization of the Church. There are many ways we can apply this in our lives. On way is by attending the ward the Lord has placed us in the boundaries of instead of jumping from ward to ward or simply going where our friends and family go. There is a reason the Lord refers to the ward as a family, and we need to be loyal to each other in the same way family members are. Another way to apply this counsel is by attending the meetings in our ward as we are supposed to.

Whether you are in this ward for 6 months or 60 years, be here and be involved. We cannot afford to aspire, to retire or to avoid these responsibilities. Participate and therefore radiate. With our time as a precious commodity, we only have enough of it be where we should be and do what we should do. Anything else becomes a waste of our time. It could be that your lesson or comment or example in Sunday school or Relief Society or Primary or while visiting or home teaching or where ever else, will sow a thought and lead to an eternal destiny.

Of this principle, I have a great testimony.

Through personal experience I have found that there is greater happiness in being where the Lord wants us than in being anywhere else. We may think we want one thing for our lives only to find that the Lord has better things in mind. When we are in line with the will of the Lord, we will be able to be exude a positive impact upon others as well as see the positive in whatever happens to us. As we submit to the will of the Lord, we will find not only happiness but a peace that encompasses us and sustains us.

Now, I’ve talked a lot about the importance of making positive ripples around us, but the other half of the scenario is what happens when we or others have failed in this charge. Obviously, if we can see the importance of making positive ripples, certainly we can see the consequences of making negative ripples. In fact, I’m sure we are all intimately aware of our own regrets and I’m sure we have all been let down by others. But instead of focusing on the negative, let us not lose hope and let us not forget that opposition in all things is a good thing. And most importantly, let us never forget that Christ is waiting to help us.

I am absolutely sure that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all will be made right in eternity. No eternal blessing will be withheld from those who were denied the positive ripples of others in this life. And if we know the ripples we are creating in this life are not what they should be, repentance is always possible. I have no doubt that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, God’s Justice and Mercy are working in perfect harmony to ensure that all will be repaired in the end.

But in this mortal life, ours is the blessing and privilege to see, do and be the good in the world. By so doing we will find and spread great happiness not only in eternity but also here and now. Why wait?

In closing I would like to leave you with a quote from our wise and beloved prophet, President Monson.
He said, “Try as some of us may, we cannot escape the influence our lives have upon the lives of others. Ours is the opportunity to build, to lift, to inspire, and to lead. We cannot be careless in our reach. Lives of others depend on us.”

I testify to you that God lives. I testify that He loves us and is intimately interested and involved in the details of our lives.
This truly is the Church of Jesus Christ and he leads and guides it today. He will lead and guide our individual lives as well if we allow Him to. Of these things I leave my witness, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.  "

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