Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance?

Here are Eve & Jack just dancing away in the kitchen. Well, I think they call this "dancing." Eve has some unique moves. Notice her new slutty princess dress that her grandma gave her. I didn't know Cinderella liked to show off her mid-drift. Anyways, enjoy the show.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Get down from there!

Jack climbs on top of everything- cabinets, tables, dressers... and then he tries to jump off. Ahhh!
I think I'm going to have a heart attack. What do I do? I can tell him no over and over, put him in time out, try to block him from areas with baby gates (which he just climbs over) but nothing works. I don't know how to get him to stop.
If anyone has any ideas on how to keep him from hurting himself (and stopping my heart), please let me know.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Potty Practice

Don't get too excited... I'm not saying Jack is potty trained or even anything close. I feel Jack is still too young for potty training- I mean why push it and make the whole process take longer? But he likes to practice, which is fine with me. I think it helps him to have a big sister that he adores because he always wants to copy what she does. His practicing is pretty messy but I'm not surprised- after all he is a boy and we all know that for some reason boys just aren't as accurate as they would like to think they are. I'm just thankful he's not the type of kid that takes his diaper off and makes really nasty messes. I'm sure you know and have probably experienced what I'm talking about if you have kids. But being a boy, Jack enjoys peeing in random places when he is lucky enough to get a moment to run around without his diaper on. Fun for me! Anyways, I couldn't resist taking a potty picture. I'm sure my kids will hate me for these kind of pictures when they're grown up (even as cute as they are). Ahhh, what greater joy is there for a parent than embarrassing your children? Hey, don't's good to have a little ammo in your pocket to ensure they stay in line when they are teenagers.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The big blue abyss

Here is Jack staring into the big blue abyss... or the tube slide as it is better known. Yesterday we had family home evening at the park. (If we have a fifth Monday in the month, we try to get out of the house for FHE and go do something fun. This time the park was all I had energy for. We enjoyed our typical Little Caesars pizza and bread sticks which we have for dinner every Monday- so I don't have to cook.) At first Eve didn't want to go because we told her she would have to wear something different than her princess dress which she has been wearing day after day- even in public sometimes. But after a big fit with lots of tears she finally gave in.

Lately she is really into picking out her own clothes and dressing herself. When I hide her princess dress she ends up going through her closet and changing outfits all day long. She has no sense of style yet (which I am sure she got from me) and so she never matches. But she thinks she looks great. It's cute though... seeing how independent she is. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she goes to preschool and so I try to dress her in practical clothes. Today I picked out her clothes for her and she wouldn't talk to me for an hour. She is such a drama queen. I can't wait until she's a teenager!

7 Years Ago

This last Saturday was our 7 year anniversary. It makes me feel old to count years. Here is a picture from our wedding day. What a blissful day it was. We were so young and in love.

Babe, after all these years, I still love you more than anything in the whole wide world! In fact, I love you so much, I hope you die first! (OK, anyone besides him reading this may think I am a terrible wife but it's just a little inside joke. I used to always say, "I love you so much that I don't want to live without you, so I hope I die first." But then I realized, that's pretty selfish. If you really loved someone should you really hope to die first and leave them in this world so sad without you? We figured it is much less selfish to say "I hope you die first." But when you say it that way it just sounds wrong, doesn't it?)

Anyways, our families were great to watch the kids for us so we could go have a date all day. We didn't do much but it was nice just to get out together... we went and did sealings in the morning (and ran into Adam and Emilee at the temple) and then went to dinner and a movie in the evening. We hope that by our 10th anniversary we will be able to afford something a little more exciting. Here's hoping.

Of course we had to call it an early evening since we still had to go home and prepare our Sunday school lesson for the next day. We are such procrastinators! But in all sadness it won't be that way much longer. Kole got a new calling in the Elder's Quorum presidency on Sunday. It was totally unexpected and of course they called us Thursday to meet with the stake presidency on Sunday so we could stress all weekend about what was coming! But it's all good. He's been the elder's quorum secretary and first counselor when we were in our student ward so at least he's used to all the meetings. But now, since we co-taught the 14-18 years olds, we are both getting released from that calling. I am sad because I really liked it. Oh well. The Lord knows what He's doing. Change is good even if it doesn't seem like it at first.