A special thanks to Jen Bryner for taking the pictures.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Daddy doesn't work there anymore. Now he works from home and mommy is his boss."
The title of this post is what Eve explained to Jack as we drove by Kole's now ex-workplace. Ha ha. She is wise beyond her years. Mommy will always be the boss.
This picture was from last Wednesday. I wish my camera was better so that I could have gotten the whole effect because it was a full rainbow and the colors were much more vibrant than this picture makes them out to be. It was huge and gorgeous and better yet it was right out our front door.
Anyways, in case the title wasn't obvious, Kole lost his job recently. "Laid off." Bummer!!!
I am not very happy with the whole situation considering he didn't do anything wrong and his ex-boss has treated his so terribly during the whole situation. I would love to dish all the dirt about his ex-boss and how unethically she is running her business. It is taking all the restraint I have not to scream from the roof tops the rotten things I know. Kole is a good guy... it is now very clear he didn't fit in at that job very well. But I suppose it is not good to burn bridges considering Kole is still in search for a new job and it wouldn't be very nice of me to spread gossip (even if it is true).
It's a hard situation but we are looking on the bright side and I am confident that this will somehow work out for the best. I certainly don't know all that is going to happen but we have a lot of good family and friends who are helping as much as possible. I think this was maybe something we really needed as a family and that Kole especially needed in order to (eventually) find greater satisfaction in his work life. I don't want him to suffer through the next 40 years until retirement. I think this was the Lord's way of motivating him to make the needed changes in his career situation that he was procrastinating making on his own. And for the mean time, it is really nice having him home to help out with the kids and house and it is good to spend time together. It's like being on a nice family staycation. Of course, six months from now will definitely be a different story.
So if you know of any job openings, please let us know. We are looking around all over. It would be nice to stay in Cache Valley near our families but at this time there are not a lot of job opportunities in his field around here. He has been looking and applying all over Utah and even out of state. Up until last week he sold AllState Insurance. But he really doesn't want to do that again if at all possible. Insurance salesman was not his dream job. I could tell he was really unhappy there the last couple months (not that he let on at work) but he kept doing it because it supported the family. Plus, I personally would like my husband to have a job in which I don't mind hearing about his work. ;) He would really like a job that is more along the lines of what he went to school for. He has a degree in Public Relations and a duel-minor in Human Resources and Spanish. Not exactly what people hire for in a down economy- hence the insurance job. Hopefully his degree will help with something. I know he is very versatile and a really good worker and he's good at whatever he does.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Goodbye May
Finally May is over!!! Anyone who lives outside of Utah is probably thinking "who wouldn't like a month like May? May is warm and blissful and beautiful." Well, you are all welcomed to visit next year and see for yourselves. Like a house guest that has stayed too long, I am happy to see her go. It probably didn't help that she threw bi-polar tantrums the whole time- I mean the throw yourself on the floor and scream bloody murder kind of tantrums... warm one day, rain the next, and the next and the next, allergies the next and then snow all over. Seriously. But here it is June and rain seems to be the thing to get used to. Whoever has been doing all the rain dances, KNOCK IT OFF! My kids need to get out of the house more or they are seriously going to end up entombed in the walls. I'm kidding, only kidding. Of course I'm sure when summer finally decides to show up (always running a couple months late around here) we will reminisce over the cool spring weather. And about now you're probably thinking OK, crazy lady, enough about the weather!!!
Fine, for those who don't like the fascinating weather channel broadcast here are some pictures instead.
Zoom Zoom.
Get him while he's down. Gives you about 2 seconds and he's off again.
Lately Eve has been so jealous whenever Kole plays with Jack. The other day, on the verge of tears, she asked him "Is it because you like him more than me?" Awww. Yes. Yes it is. Kids are so insecure. Always needing to be told they're loved. How needy. Ha ha. Like I'm really that mean. I can't remember what we really said. I'm sure it was something comforting and reassuring because we are such great parents, as you all know.
But seriously, I love them BOTH more than anything in the whole wide world.
Here is my cat Stimpy. Evidently he thinks my flower pot is his new bed. I set it out to "get ready to plant things in" and that same day he decided to take over it. Now I'm afraid to plant anything in it. Flowers would look pretty but he'll probably just think I'm being nice to fill his bed with some extra cushion.
At least he found some pillows to crash on this time.
We had a nice little family get together with Kole's family for Memorial Day. The kids (big and small) had fun playing with their cousins.
Eve with her entourage... Taylor (top right), and a random other girl named Taylor who just wandered by the party and ended up staying (left), Brooklyn (middle), Kenna (bottom right).
We all had fun playing PIG. Even I played (despite my fear of balls flying at my face). I was forced to squeal pretty early on but I can accept that I'm no pro... unlike some people who played. Of course Kole's two most competitive brothers were absent so the self-aimed swearing was kept to a minimum. Eventually it came down to two people (I won't name any names but you know who you are) neither of whom would just put down their pride and lose so other people could play again. Twenty minutes later I volunteered Kole to take the bullet and lose. I also like to volunteer him for things like helping my friends move. Any takers?
We had a nice little family get together with Kole's family for Memorial Day. The kids (big and small) had fun playing with their cousins.
Kenna: Just like her mommy.
Perhaps those who know Kole's family will notice a new girl in the pictures (though I do wish I had a better picture. The ones here don't do her justice)... anyways, that would be Courtney, Sam's new girlfriend. Sorry ladies, it looks like he's a goner. Like her, I suppose we are just waiting for the ring. They were pretty much connected at the hip the whole time (Ahhh, to be all twitterpated and newly in love. It was cute to watch and yet it made me just a little jealous to realize Kole and I used to be young and cute like that.) Anyways, we all got to meet her this weekend as she came to visit from DC. Let me tell you, Damion is never going to live it down... Sam who lives in Logan finds a girl in DC but it seems that Damion who lives in DC is still single. OK, Damion, prove me wrong... anytime now. I think, if Damion had planned properly he would have flown out to visit last weekend instead of this coming weekend and then maybe he could have gotten some connections back home. Just a thought.
Poor little Jack wanted to play sooooo bad. He's all boy and he wants to do everything the big boys do.
And of course we couldn't have daddy playing with Jack and not Eve.
At first glance it appears that this is Eve's bike... after all it fits her just right. But in fact it is Grayson's bike. I don't understand the "big kid on a little bike" craze. But whatever. I'm not really sure at what age I lost touch with what's cool (do they even use that word anymore) but at some point I just had to admit that I live in the boonies of cooldom. And here is just another picture to confirm Eve's suspicions.
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