Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011

Happy New Year (almost a week late)! We hope you did something exciting to bring in the change- perhaps exciting enough to give balance to the universe since we lived it up like the old married couple we are...  we actually got a babysitter and went out to dinner with Kole's family pretty early in the evening, we ate ourselves almost into a coma, we got home by 9 and watched some tv and then went to bed by a little after 10ish.  Totally exciting, right?

Maybe our New Year's Eve was calm but 2011 is already shaping up to be a little crazy.  If this first week is any indication of how the year is going to go... well, let's just say I'm a little nervous.  On Sunday I was put in as the new primary president in our ward, Jack turned 3 on Monday, that same day our furnace got condemned by the gas company (yes, we have to get a new one ASAP), the kids and I have been sick all week, and the baby should be here in the next 3 weeks.  Truly I am just a tad bit stressed but really I'm not complaining- maybe it's a good thing that we're getting all the stressful things over with at one time.  We can hope.

My little baby boy is 3!  He is growing up to be so smart and funny and handsome.  We just love him so much.  We had a really simple birthday party for Jack.  Just cake and icecream with family.  One of the favorite things he got was a Spiderman costume.  Now he finally doesn't have to play dress up in Eve's princess clothes.  Yay for him!!!

Oh, and by the way, "different" (see last post) was not good!  I am blonde again (sigh of relief).  My hair decided to turn pink so it had to go.  It's nice to feel like myself again anyhow.

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