Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm a slacker blogger... but with an excuse.

Porter at about 3 weeks
 Yes, I know it has been a while since I updated my blog.  I admit I am a slacker blogger.  Kole blames it on Facebook.  No!  Not my beloved Facebook.  That couldn't be the reason, could it?  OK, it probably is true.  That addicting website is sapping the info and pictures I would usually put into my blog and it's so much less work than updating a blog.  And I know that a blog is so much more rewarding in the long run but there's nothing like the support system of Facebook to help you if you are feeling guilty about say not blogging, or not cleaning the house, or not exercising, or not reading to your kids (who happen to be sitting right next to you) or not being able to pry yourself away from Facebook.  Dang Facebook, how I hate you and yet can't seem to rid myself of you!  I doubt Facebook is trying to be some evil conspiracy designed to end blogging but I think it has enticed many a would-be or has-been blogger out there.  It sure does keep people busy learning about the mundane aspects of everyone else's life.  How is it that I simply need to know what my friends are eating for lunch or watching on TV or that they just made their bed?  I'm sure there must be programs out there to quit the Facebook addiction but then how would I keep those hundreds of friendships alive that would be dead without the life-support of Facebook? You know, those relationships where you knew someone once upon a time for 5 minutes like 20 years ago and you never see or talk to them in real life (and you would probably avoid them in the store even if you did see them in real life so you wouldn't have to have a real conversation) but still because of Facebook you know what they're wearing that day or that their favorite sports team won or whatever useless information they are throwing out into cyberspace that for some reason everyone has to know about.  I'd like to justify my Facebooking... Certainly I'm not addicted... I only check it when something new pops up, or maybe I just leave the screen up and I'll take a look when I walk by the computer and of course there's nothing obsessive about doing that say 20 or 30 times a day, right?  Ha.  But as you can see, I am making a positive step forward in my break from Facebook.  Now as I blog, it is only on in the background instead of the foreground of my screen.  Baby steps.

I'm sure that Facebook is not the only culprit in my lack of blogging-  I blame it on the big life change of going from 2 mini Tasmanian devils to 3.  Who has the time to blog with three kids needing their constant attention?  I am in awe of my friends that seem to update several times a week even while being amazing moms to their kids and/or having hectic schedules that would make me want to cry. Right now it is a Saturday and so I have sicked the kids on their father to give me some "free time" (though with a newborn attached to my boob and typing chicken style with my free hand, it probably isn't what most people would consider "free time").

I guess lots has happened over the last couple months. Here's the run down in pictures- or rather lack thereof... the poor third kid doesn't get as many pictures taken. Been there, done that, seen that cuteness on our two other kids when they were babies, no need for yet another picture. I know, it's terrible!!!! But in all fairness, no one is getting pictures taken lately. After all, we need no lasting proof that most days Eve's hair is still in its famous bedhead style until after noon and Jack refuses to get out of his pj's until an hour before bedtime and the baby just exploded out of his diaper for the third outfit in a row, not to mention trying to find a shot where the background isn't littered with a mess resembling the effects of a natural disaster. But here's what we've gotten since I last posted.



Porter got admitted to the hospital at about three weeks old for RSV. He stayed there for about 4 days and then came home on oxygen for about a week. Poor little guy. He had a rough first month. Between the NICU when he was born and then that, he spent about the first half of his life in the hospital. I think the stress took a toll on his hair line. Made him look even more like his daddy.

Thankfully he's all better now... even the hair issue is being resolved (and that should probably last for about the next 20 years- hopefully).

Eve loves being the big sister to Jack and Porter. She can be so helpful. She always wants to hold the baby and give him hug and kisses. She is even helpful with Jack. Kole was watching as she dropped him off at nursery for church the other day. He ran in and she's all mom like "Jack, you forgot to give me a kiss." He runs over and gives her a kiss and she hugs him and tells him to have fun and be good. When he cries, she always pats and rubs his back and gives him a hug and tells him it's OK.  I'm not really sure when she took over as mommy but I just think it's funny. She is so grown up.  Our house is littered with her pictures of rainbows and butterflies and flowers.  She is such a girl.

Jack finally decided to be a big boy and he's not using diapers anymore. Yay! The kid was stubborn about it for so long and I'm honestly surprised he decided to take this step with a new baby in the house. It was like once we stopped bugging him about it then he wanted to do it.  But with only one bathroom in the house, another person makes for an even longer wait when you really have to go.  But Jack has the benefit of being a boy and when the bathroom is taken and he can't hold it, he gets to go outback on the grass.  I guess he figures that's the way it is everywhere as my mom has informed me that at their house he drops his pants and pees in the middle of the yard when he's having too much fun to come inside and use the bathroom.

He also loves his new little bro and loves to "pet the baby."  The kids really don't seem jealous.  They are just thrilled to have Porter in the family.




No more pictures!
Porter is now about to be 2 months old (tomorrow).  I can't believe it.  He's a really good baby- though I don't really know if anyone thinks they have a bad baby.  He's definitley a mommy's boy (which is OK for babies).  Kole insists the baby doesn't like him but I think he's just forgotten that babies often cry even when the do like you.  He likes to be held during the day but he tolerates the bouncer and baby swing when I'm super busy.    He's not much for naps (which makes church such a lovely experience as anyone with a cranky baby knows) but he makes up for it because he sleeps pretty good at night.  He really doesn't like to be rocked to sleep most of the time.  He just wants to be put down in his bed.  He still loves to be bundled in his blankets and won't sleep unless he's wrapped like a mummy up to his throat.  He goes to bed around 9 and gets up twice to eat.  Thankfully he is a fast and efficient eater so I don't miss too much sleep.  He sleeps for about 6-8 hours the first stretch and then another 3 or 4 before he wants to eat again.  Then he gets up around 8:30 in the morning.  Not too bad if you ask me.  I'm soooooo thankful he's not a morning person because none of the rest of us are.  He's almost doubled his birth weight, the little chunk.  I'm guessing he weighs around 10 lbs now.  He is getting a lot more social and smiling and cooing.  It never gets old and even though I don't have the camera as ready as I did with the first two, I'm still in awe of how amazing and cute and special he is.  People are always asking me how it is having three.  I'll admit it is harder in some ways but I still have yet to experience the full effect... I've been putting off that first shopping trip with just me having to wrangle the three little monsters.  Maybe I can avoid it until Eve goes to kindergarten in 6 more months.  Cross your fingers for me. 


  1. I noticed that about facebook too. I am almost a year over the addiction. But I admit after I closed my account it took me months to stop checking Jake's account. BLASTED Facebook.

    Your kids are growing so much. People are always like wow you have three kids it must be soooo hard. No not really you just have to have a plan when you go shopping. My plan we all get out the same side of the car. I hold the second child's hand and the oldest holds their other hand and then I have one for the baby. Car shopping carts fit all three kids then I tow another one. People will move for you. (Or be run over!)

  2. First off, I just have to say you are a crack up! I loved all of your humor in this. I really did. I had to laugh out loud on a few different occasions. Super funny!!

    Second off, your little guy is super duper cute! I just love him. SOSOOOOO sooo sweet! I just love the new born stage and all that they do. Sounds like he really is a great baby and such a great sleeper. That was not the case with my two. UGH!!

    Third off, love YOU!
