Thursday, April 14, 2011

An Ounce of Prevention

After a VERY long winter, the cabin fever has really affected the kids' sanity and I'm a little worried they're going to start gnawing on each other or something else equally disturbing. Over the last several months I've debated constructing some kind of child powered home energy system to let them burn off that seemingly endless source of inner fusion (I'm thinking a stationary bike would have been involved) but I figured child labor laws might frown on that type of thing. With preventative measures in mind, the outdoors have sounded quite appealing.

We are pasty vampire white (even more than normal) and we need some sun!!!  It's kind of depressing when you sit around lusting for 60 degrees.  I look back at family pictures of sun and warmth and I stare and daydream lazily... Utah porn.  (Shh.  Don't tell my bishop.)  And of course, this being Utah, the warmth of Spring is never actually here in all her glory until Summer is about a week away- and even then I remember a freak snow storm in July one year. It has been snowing on and off for weeks intermingled with a little sun and some monsoon rain too. Last night we had what I would consider a spring blizzard and snow swirled and stung mercilessly and then blanketed the valley- but the snow was melted by mid-morning today. So, like always, Spring sure has been a tease.

Last week we had a brief calm between the storms and we headed out to enjoy our little piece of sunshine. We have a cute little park right across the street from our house. It's definitely nothing impressive... we don't even have swings!  And all that plastic sure takes away the "fear for your life and limb fun factor" that the wood and metal playgrounds of my childhood possessed.  But it sure beats bouncing on and off every springy surface at home. 

Pure joy!

Our fun at the park was short lived. The last few days I've attempted to go it has started raining the very minute I get there. Dead serious. You'd think I could look out my window and time things effectively for the 2 minute walk across the street but evidently not.  I'm feeling a little cursed.  But for one glorious day, they played hard and crashed early that night. Aahh.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Our little park is a total life saver! Last summer I think we spent an hour there every day. I can't wait for ore warm weather too.

    You got some great park pictures.
