Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm not really sure why my dear son has forgotten how to smile.

One word: sugar!

My Grandma Louise and Grandpa Cotton... not married.  My mom's mom and my dad's dad.  I have this eerie feeling that my mom is trying to set them up together since they are both widowed.  If they got married would that mean that my mom and dad would be brother and sister?  Eeeewwwww. 

No, we are not appearing on an episode of some Animal Planet show with tamest big horned sheep in the world.  This is my dad's trophy from his hunting trip last fall.  It now is a stuffed, life sized pet that lives in their living room.  That's not creepy or anything.


  1. HAHA! The grandparents being set up is HILARIOUS! Maybe perfect for a sitcom of some sort?! hahaha. That is so funny. Totally made my day.

  2. i am laughing out loud at kole's pics of the animal. hehe! and cant wait to see more of your vacay, so cool! we plan to go there in the fall and will drive, and i would KILL to fly, you are so lucky!
